
Growth Leadership, Performance and Production

Where Is Your Revenue Coming From?

And, it costs even more when it’s 3 or 4 professionals that you need to hire to deliver on driving revenue for your business. Layer that with not having the infrastructure in place to support your team and you’ll be the one running around on fire. We can help you eliminate the risk in making the wrong hire at the wrong time, reduce your cost to jumpstart your business development and sales efforts and start driving revenue today with a one-stop revenue solution built to fit you.

Trust, Experience, Results

At SUN, it’s simple. It’s all about GENERATING REVENUE for your business.

There are no shortcuts or magic formulas. You can’t grow your business on a poorly laid foundation that lacks cohesion and exudes friction. And, with SUN, you won’t. We deliver;

  • Sales Strategy, Leadership and Tactical Support
  • Inside Lead Generation and Business Development
  • Database Building
  • Customer Profiles
  • Technology OnBoarding
  • Training Development
  • Industry and Conference Coordination

SUN’s team has worked with Fortune 100 companies, startups and some of the nation’s leading nonprofits. In doing so, our team has been able to identify best practices for each client and create “right practices” that drive the activity that generates revenue.

Transparent, Impactful, Professional

Our approach is simple and in as little at 90 days, you’ll see what we mean when we talk about our “Relentless Pursuit of Awesome”.

  • Assess the current state of your revenue solution, including the current business development and sales activities.
  • Identify areas for improvement as well as those places of strength within the organization that can be better maximized
  • Design “right practice” strategies for immediate, impactful revenue outcomes
  • Execute “right fit” approaches, bringing leadership and coordination of resources

You have one chance at making the best, first impression. Your competition is closing in. Let us help you win.

Create revenue centric stories (meaning you’ve made the business case) that are relevant to those who care (your cheerleaders) and, most importantly, to those who have budget (they can write a check to you). Evangelize your virtues. Present the case. Close the deal. Be Awesome.

We will be with you every step of the way.

Next Level Services

Do you need help in any of the following areas? If you do, SUN can help!

Strategy and Planning

As a startup or just trying to turn things around, you’re wearing a lot of hats, we can help you navigate a path to the next level… and beyond.

Operations Management

You’ve got the plan, now what? Let SUN help you tie all the pieces together – whether it’s finding the right talent, getting them up to speed or getting the right technologies and processes in place to support your team and your customers – you do what it is you best and let SUN do the rest.

Strategic Engagement

You’re not all things to all people so don’t try to be. There are people and organizations that can help you do what you want to do and do it faster – and less expensively – than you could ever do on your own. Get connected and stay on target!

Branding, Marketing and Messaging

Build corporate branding and messaging that resonates with your customers and engages them to tell of the experiences that create the story that builds that foundation for your future success.

Want more info?