About Us

Shining Lights

What are Shining Lights?

Being part of the community and “doing good” is something that’s important to me. I’ve been fortunate over the years to work with some amazing organizations and people who have done incredible things. They’ve also had a real impact on my life. If you’re like me, you never get a chance to do as much as you want….so I try to do what I can.

This section on “Shining Lights” is just one way for me to highlight just a few of the organizations that I’ve been involved with on some level. 

If you have any comments or questions about these organizations (or suggestions for others), please let me know. We’ll work to keep this information fresh! And just remember, DON’T LET WHAT YOU CAN’T DO GET IN THE WAY OF WHAT YOU CAN DO!


YMCA of Central Stark County

Years ago, I had the chance to play flag football in Stark County, Ohio through the YMCA. Though I was blessed to have my Dad as a coach, even at the age of 8 I was curious as to why these other people who coached and refereed — kids in their late teens and early twenties — would want to spend their evenings and Saturday mornings working with a group of kids they didn’t really know. And though I never really did find out why they did it at the time, I knew that I wanted to do it too one day…”when I got big”. So, I did. I coached at the YMCA for about 7 years, thinking it was my way of “giving back”. And, I hope I did help. But I can tell you that I, like many others would say, got more out of it than the kids. It still ranks as one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done.

In 2016, the YMCA of Central Stark County celebrated its 150th Anniversary. With their cause being driven by the knowledge that lasting personal and social change comes about when we all work together, I can tell you today it truly made a change in me. Thanks Y and good luck these next 150 years!


Coach Sam’s Inner Circle Foundation

CSICF has a mission to provide intensive literacy intervention integrated with health & fitness and personal development through after-school program in at-risk communities to develop the whole child. Since 2009, CSICF has been successful in reaching children and motivating them to believe in themselves, leading to improved academic performance and the self-confidence to st them on a path toward a brighter future.


because I said I would.

A social movement and nonprofit dedicated to the betterment of humanity. We make and keep promises to end suffering, establish peace and build happiness. Our mission is to strengthen humanity’s will. We created the “promise card” to help hold people accountable to their commitments. Make and keep a promise to improve yourself, your family or your community. If you need a promise card to make the commitment real, we will send you one. The world needs you.



A Portion Of SUN Proceeds Go Towards Supporting These and Other Awesome Organizations.

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